March 16, 1:00 - 5:00
Biodynamic Breathwork, iRest Yoga Nidra, Yoga/Dynamic Movement along with Reflection and forward processing
Join this Spring Equinox event to:
Inspire new beginnings in your world
Intentionally breathe new energy and life force into your body
Feel into your power through yoga, movement, and breathwork
Reflect and engage with wisdom questions
Connect in community
Welcome in the powerful light of love and connection
Your guides:
Gail Sonnesyn is the founder of Indigo Breath and Wellness, Inc. She is an advanced breathwork practitioner and mentor for the highly accredited Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System® and a certified functional breathing coach with Oxygen Advantage®. She specializes in helping people release old patterns that impact their wellbeing.
Linda Stuart offers a holistic approach to one's well-being, employing both ancient and modern modalities since 1997. She guides people into their heart and soul to become more of who they are. These healing modalities and consciousness expanding experiences promote self-care, healing, transformation and resting in one’s True Self that needs no fixing.
Location: Lafayette
Investment: $80 ($65 before March 2)